The pastoral internship at Grace is designed to help you develop in many areas so that you are better prepared for pastoral ministry. We have established benchmarks that will keep both you and your pastoral mentors focused on the process.
Educational Benchmarks:
1. You will enroll in Faith Bible Seminary. We will actively monitor your studies and help you seek to implement what you are learning practically through various ministries and tasks at Grace.
2. You will complete assigned school work on time and we will monitor your schedule accordingly.
3. You will remain enrolled and complete Faith Bible Seminary during your three year internship. If you withdraw from the Seminary your internship may be suspended and you may be asked to repay some or all of the educational expense.
Ministry Benchmarks:
1. You will attend an approved ACBC Track 1 training session to begin your pursuit of a Biblical counseling certification.
2. You will complete ACBC’s Theological and Practical Exams.
3. You will complete 50 hours of counseling supervision.
4. You will participate in the Grace Biblical Counseling ministry.
5. You will develop and preach/teach expositional sermons and your growth will be evaluated.
6. You will lead ministries at Grace.
7. You will train members to do the work of the ministry.
8. You will learn church administration and leadership abilities necessary to provide a church practical oversight as a shepherd.
Personal Benchmarks:
1. You will join Grace Baptist Church and remain a member in good standing.
2. You will be charitable and hospitable toward Grace and its members.
3. You will resolve personal conflict quickly and biblically (Matt. 18).
4. You will maintain your personal character according to the 1 Timothy 3 and Titus 1 qualifications for elders.
5. You will learn to balance and separate your pastoral and family responsibilities.
6. You will avoid going into personal debt during the internship.
7. You will walk in transparency with electronic devices and media choices.
GBC Internship Benchmarks
The pastoral internship at Grace is designed to help you develop in many areas so that you are better prepared for pastoral ministry. We have established benchmarks that will keep both you and your pastoral mentors focused on the process.
Educational Benchmarks:
1. You will enroll in Faith Bible Seminary. We will actively monitor your studies and help you seek to implement what you are learning practically through various ministries and tasks at Grace.
2. You will complete assigned school work on time and we will monitor your schedule accordingly.
3. You will remain enrolled and complete Faith Bible Seminary during your three year internship. If you withdraw from the Seminary your internship may be suspended and you may be asked to repay some or all of the educational expense.
Ministry Benchmarks:
1. You will attend an approved ACBC Track 1 training session to begin your pursuit of a Biblical counseling certification.
2. You will complete ACBC’s Theological and Practical Exams.
3. You will complete 50 hours of counseling supervision.
4. You will participate in the Grace Biblical Counseling ministry.
5. You will develop and preach/teach expositional sermons and your growth will be evaluated.
6. You will lead ministries at Grace.
7. You will train members to do the work of the ministry.
8. You will learn church administration and leadership abilities necessary to provide a church practical oversight as a shepherd.
Personal Benchmarks:
1. You will join Grace Baptist Church and remain a member in good standing.
2. You will be charitable and hospitable toward Grace and its members.
3. You will resolve personal conflict quickly and biblically (Matt. 18).
4. You will maintain your personal character according to the 1 Timothy 3 and Titus 1 qualifications for elders.
5. You will learn to balance and separate your pastoral and family responsibilities.
6. You will avoid going into personal debt during the internship.
7. You will walk in transparency with electronic devices and media choices.